Agenda 1ra clase:

  1. Teoría semántica operacional
  2. Metodología de la práctica
  3. Actividad con nota

Semántica operacional


  1. Árboles
  2. Árbol sintáctico abstracto
  3. Sistema de transición
  4. Big step vs small step
  5. Notación secuente


  1. Plotkin. A Structural Approach to Operational Semantics. (descarga aquí legalmente)
  2. Pierce. Types and programming languages.

Árboles en ocaml

						type tree = Node of tree * tree 
							| Leave of string

						let a1:tree = Leave "hola"

						let a2:tree = Node( 
							Leave "izq", 
							Leave "der"

						let a3:tree = Node(
											Leave "izq", 
											Leave "der"
										Leave "masder"

Árboles en ocaml

						type tree = Node of tree * tree 
							| Leave of string

						let a1:tree = Leave "hola"

						let a2:tree = Node( 
							Leave "izq", 
							Leave "der"

						let a3:tree = Node(
											Leave "izq", 
											Leave "der"
										Leave "masder"

Árboles en ocaml

						type tree = Node of tree * tree 
							| Leave of string

						let a1:tree = Leave "hola"

						let a2:tree = Node( 
							Leave "izq", 
							Leave "der"

						let a3:tree = Node(
											Leave "izq", 
											Leave "der"
										Leave "masder"

Árboles en ocaml

						type tree = Node of tree * tree 
							| Leave of string

						let a1:tree = Leave "hola"

						let a2:tree = Node( 
							Leave "izq", 
							Leave "der"

						let a3:tree = Node(
											Leave "izq", 
											Leave "der"
										Leave "masder"

AST: Árbol de sintaxis abstracto

						float matchO(char *s) { /* find a zero */
							if (!strncmp(s, "0.0", 3))
							return 0.;

AST: Árbol de sintaxis abstracto

					type expr = Lit of int | Sum of expr * expr | Times of expr * expr

							2 * 3 + 1

								Times(Lit 2, Lit 3),
								Lit 1

							1 * 2 * 3

								Lit 1
								Times(Lit 2, Lit 3),

							(1 * 2) * 3

								Times(Lit 1, Lit 2),
								Lit 3

Ejercicio interactivo

Sistemas de transición[Plotkin 1.2]

  • Dupla $(\Gamma,\to)$
  • $\Gamma$ conjunto de configuraciones
  • $\to$ relación entre elementos de $\Gamma$.
  • $\to \subset \Gamma \times \Gamma$

ST terminales[Plotkin 1.2]

  • Tripla $(\Gamma,\to,T)$
  • No se puede transicionar desde un elemento de $T\subset\Gamma$
  • $\forall \gamma \in T \forall \gamma' \in \Gamma. \gamma \not\to \gamma'$

ST determinísticos [TAPL 3.5.4]

  • $\to$ es una función
  • $ \gamma\to\gamma' \land \gamma\to\gamma'' \implies \gamma'=\gamma''$

Ejemplo: lenguaje Switch

						type operatons = Switch operations | End
						type state = On|Off
						type sconfig = operations*state

									let c1=(Switch (Switch (Switch End)),On);;
									let c2=(Switch (Switch End),Off);;
									let c3=(Switch End,On);;
									let c4=(End,Off);;

  • (Switch(x),On)$\to$(x,Off)
  • (Switch(x),Off)$\to$(x,On)
  • $T=\{$ (End,On) , (End,Off) $\}$
  • (Switch(x),On)$\to$(x,Off)
  • (Switch(x),Off)$\to$(x,On)
  • $T=\{$ (End,On) , (End,Off) $\}$

						type operatons = Switch operations | End
						type state = On|Off
						type sconfig = operations*state

						exception Terminal

						let small_step (config:sconfig):sconfig =
							match config with
							| (Switch x, On) -> (x, Off)
							| (Switch x, Off) -> (x, On)
							| (End, _) -> raise Terminal;;
						let rec big_step (config:sconfig):sconfig =
							match config with
							| (Switch End, On) -> (End,Off)
							| (Switch End, Off) -> (End, On)
							| (Switch x, On) -> big_step (x,Off)
							| (Switch x, Off) -> big_step (x, On)
							| (End, _) -> raise Terminal;;

Ejemplo: lenguage pp

Aclaración: listas

						type operation = Push of int | Times | Add 
						type ppconfig = (operation list * int list)
  • (Push x::tl,s) $\to$ (tl,x::s)
  • (Add::tl,a::b::s) $\to$ (tl,(a+b)::s)
  • (Times::tl,a::b::s) $\to$ (tl,(a*b)::s)
  • $T=\{$ ([],x) $\}$

							let e1 = ( Push 3::Push 2::Push 4::Add::Times::Times::[] , [8]);;
							let e2 = ( Push 2::Push 4::Add::Times::Times::[] , [3;8]);;
							let e3 = ( Push 4::Add::Times::Times::[] , [2;3;8]);;
							let e4 = ( Add::Times::Times::[] , [4;2;3;8]);;
							let e5 = ( Times::Times::[] , [6;3;8]);;
							let e6 = ( Times::[] , [18;8]);;
							let e6 = ( [] , [144]);;(* e6 pertenece a T *)

							let x = ( Add::[] , [99]);;(* ? *)
							let y = ( [] , [37;15;2]);;(* ? *)

Big step vs small step

  • Lenguage PP:

    ([Push 1; Push 2;Add];[])$\xrightarrow[]{PPs}$([Push 2;Add];[1])

    ([Push 1; Push 2;Add];[])$\xrightarrow[]{PPb}$([];[3])

  • Lenguage Switch:

    (Switch (Switch (Switch End)),On)$\xrightarrow[]{Ss}$((Switch (Switch End),Off)

    (Switch (Switch (Switch End)),On)$\xrightarrow[]{Sb}$(End,Off)

  • Lenguage lits:

    3*4+2*3 $\xrightarrow[]{Ls}$ 12+2*3

    3*4+2*3 $\xrightarrow[]{Lb}$ 18





$T=\{$ Lit(_) $\}$

						type expr = Lit of int | Sum of expr * expr | Times of expr * expr
						type litconfig = expr
						exception Terminal
						exception Implementar

						let big_step (c:litconfig):litconfig = match c with
							| Lit(_) -> raise Terminal
							| x -> Lit(eval x);;
						let small_step (c:litconfig):litconfig = match c with
							| Lit(_) -> raise Terminal
							| Sum(Lit x, Lit y) -> Lit (x + y)
							| _ -> raise Implementar;;

Ejercicio interactivo

Notación secuente (sequent calculus)

$$ A \land B \land C \implies D $$

Se escribe:

$$ \begin{array}{c c c} A & B & C \end{array} \over D $$
$$ {\htmlClass{orange}{x} \to \htmlClass{green}{x'}}\over{Sum(\htmlClass{orange}{x},y)\to Sum(\htmlClass{green}{x'},y)} $$ $$ {\htmlClass{orange}{y} \to \htmlClass{green}{y'}}\over{Sum(Lit(x),\htmlClass{orange}{y})\to Sum(Lit(x),\htmlClass{green}{y'})} $$ $$ {}\over{Sum(Lit(\htmlClass{orange}{x}),Lit(\htmlClass{green}{y}))\to Lit(\htmlClass{orange}{x}+\htmlClass{green}{y})} $$

Sistema de transición de lits

						type litconfig = Lit of int 
							| Sum of litconfig * litconfig 
							| Times of litconfig * litconfig
$$ {\htmlClass{orange}{x} \to \htmlClass{green}{x'}}\over{Sum(\htmlClass{orange}{x},y)\to Sum(\htmlClass{green}{x'},y)} $$ $$ {\htmlClass{orange}{y} \to \htmlClass{green}{y'}}\over{Sum(Lit(x),\htmlClass{orange}{y})\to Sum(Lit(x),\htmlClass{green}{y'})} $$ $$ {}\over{Sum(Lit(\htmlClass{orange}{x}),Lit(\htmlClass{green}{y}))\to Lit(\htmlClass{orange}{x}+\htmlClass{green}{y})} $$
$$ {\htmlClass{orange}{x} \to \htmlClass{green}{x'}}\over{Times(\htmlClass{orange}{x},y)\to Times(\htmlClass{green}{x'},y)} $$ $$ {\htmlClass{orange}{y} \to \htmlClass{green}{y'}}\over{Times(Lit(x),\htmlClass{orange}{y})\to Times(Lit(x),\htmlClass{green}{y'})} $$ $$ {}\over{Times(Lit(\htmlClass{orange}{x}),Lit(\htmlClass{green}{y}))\to Lit(\htmlClass{orange}{x}*\htmlClass{green}{y})} $$
$T=\{$ Lit(_) $\}$


A continuación, laboratorio.